Saturday, February 14, 2009

weekend at home...

nope! it wasn't my touch, i just helped potong sayur and kacau gulai and sayur tu...lalala....beeessssstttt.......(^.^) hehe...yummy! jempot makan everyone...

the menus:
nasi putih
kari ayam
ikan merah goreng berlada (ke berbawang...konfius pula..)
sayur kacang goreng
sambal belacan + timun
telur asin(orang terengganu panggil, telur masin..)
air oren + teh '0'

Sunday, February 8, 2009

jogging, we supposed!

yes, but we didn't..we went to Tesco instead..we only took 1 round for a walk then we're off...i guess, we just want to see each other, updating each other and that's all here we were, first at stadium Tun Fatimah ant Bukit Serindit...

this picture taken during they have the senamrobik, wanted to join at the first place but, no lah..tesco ada aircond, kan sis? hehe...maybe we can consider pakai sunglass kan? kan? kan? ahaha...

the menu before eating

after that, we off to Tesco, and minum petang at Kluang Station: sebab the lovely sista is dying to have half boil egg, ok? wondering why....hhhmmmmm...(with the cheeky look...) so, here we ate half boil egg(yes!), air bandung, toast slice(sikit, tak cukup..i should order 2 tadi...hehe..), and ice lemon tea...

the menu after eating..mission accomplished!

so, heading to tesco..memula rasanya nak cari roti je kan? then she was thinking to do spring roll(izit? now, i confuse...) we had a little shopping....i might eat that spring roll esok kot, for testing...huhu...

strawberry picking...masam! (>.<)


halo? no lah, its our sungalsses...hehe...

rotis, cheese, spring roll kecik, and strawberry masam...

(waiittt, u think she's cute making faces like that? me, no comment...)

go home people..its 7.15 already, and both mom tak call pun tanya: dimanakah anak2 anda berada? adakah mreka berada di tempat mereka sepatutnya berada? ataukah anda sekadar tidak ambil peduli? (please read macam iklan yang kat lam era tuh...hehe..) love u moms!

cucu...i'm a nenek? already?

This is Auni..
This is my cucu..
This is unbelivable..
I got another 2 which are Safiyyah and Sufi(ot in the picture, as i dont have one...)
