Friday, November 28, 2008


hows that look? yummy? i'm sure it is...its from my friend Millie at Shah Alam..she made it yesterday, and she emel me the picture..nice izit? macam sangat delicous je.....huhu...and the sad thing is, now she can cook this well, but me? tak boleh jadi ni, kena belajar masak lepas those yang nak try buat, here are the recipee...(dah tentu2 i yang paling those yang nak merasa, sama2 la menunggu...)

the ingredients:
3 biji telur
1 tin susu cair (400gm)
1 cawan gula
aisin vanilla

pukul telur sehingga kembang. masukkan susu cair, pukul sampai sebati. masukkan esen vanilla dan pukul lagi. siapkan periuk/pan yang ada pemegang, masukkan gula. masukkan secawan air. panaskan dengan api yang sederhana. tunggu sampai perang. (jangan kacau gula tu sebab nanti gula tu melekat kat periuk/pan, cuma goyangkan saja.) bila dah perang, masukkan kedalam bekas. (jangan bagi gula tu hangus tau.) biarkan caramel tu mengeras/sejuk jap. lepas tu masukkan adunan telur tadi.

untuk masak secara kukus: lletakkan cream caramel didalam mangkuk yang tahan panas dan yang diisi air. letakakn diatas pengukus, dan tutup dengan aluminium foil. kukus lebih kurang 20 minit.

untuk masak secara bakar: letakkan cream caramel kat dalam bekas yang yang boelh dibakar dan diisi dengan air. tutup dengan aluminium foil. bakar selama lebih kurang 15 minit, kalau tak masak lagi bakar la sampai masak.

sekianterima kaseh..

nak lagi best, i konfuse dengan resipi ni maklum ler tak pernah masak..huhu..and millie pula buat lawak pandai kan..

nana: ak konfuse ni..cream caramel tu ape? benda yang bulat tu ke? ke air yang kaler brown tu?

millie: cream yang bulat tu, caramel yang kaler brown tu..

nana: tadikan,lepas pukul semua bahan2 tadi tu letak mana?

millie: haha..ko letak tepi...

selamba badak je si millie nih! hampeh..letak tepi dia jawab....tu mesti dia gelakkan i macam ape je...but anyway, thanks millie...lepas ni giliran ak pula mencuba resipi teragung cream caramel ko ni...

to akak2 i yang probably duk baca post ni, jangan gelak...i know, you guys know how to make this, but as for me yang tak pernah goreng ikan ni, this is huge..huhu..and wish me luck...lalala...

nak belajar masak pula!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

nak post!

iye..yes, i memang nak post...tapi i cannot find my phone cable..godd! geram sunngguh...ini lah akibatnya kalau suka letak barang merata2....tension pula saya!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

wanee said..

"kak, orang tau cane nak kurus and badan ada shape.."

"cane, cane?"

"akak jogging kan? akak try jogging pakai bengkung..sumpah! cantek giler badan lepas tu..sebab kan, akak orang buat macam tu tau, in 3 weeks, shape badan dia, memang lawa giler.."

"hoh? serius ni?"

"serius la...u try kak....tak rugi.."

and lepas tu kitorg gelak2...huhu...i was thinking, maybe i can try.....and wanee also dah kurus sekarang..obvious sangat nampak that she lost her weight..dulu macam bulat2 je, sekarang, slimmer...way to go dik! huhu...

* i know what u think guys, i know....i can read you mind....weeeeeeeeee

MADAGASCAR: Escape To The Africa

MUST WATCH MOVIE! i duk tunggu movie ni dah lama..and of course i watched it! yey! tapi rasanya yang 1st dulu lagi kelakar and banyak gelak..this time more to feeling2 and touching2...but whatever it is, I LOVE IT!

Alex the Lion: he danced! what if a true lion dance instead of eating people and be so garang? world peace la kot ek...huhu..he danced! nicey.....
Marty the Zebra: very sensitive about being unique aka alex best friend...
Gloria the Hippo: lucky her to be loved and, u should hear what Melman said to lovely...i wish....
Melman the Giraffe: addicted to medicine as he afraid of getting sick..and he's in love with Gloria.. i wish i had a boyfriend like him!
Skipper and his girlfriend aka wife at last..huhu...=)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


nasib baik tak jatuh pengsan...huhu..pagi tadi datang, elok je..then duk kemas2 rasa lain macam je..macam terhuyung hayang...then, i stopped..until this time, keja semua terbengkalai..i cant stand lama2...*sigh but, nothing to worry about..i order maggi today..dah lama tak makan maggi..sedapnyeeeee....yummmy..! =0

Friday, November 14, 2008


batok...uhuk uhuk...sakit tekak...demam...tapi tak selsema...tapi lenguh2 badan.....=(


Saturday, November 8, 2008

sleeping or sleepy

its 1.30 in the morning...and i cant sleep, entah mengapa..huhu..and nak tengok tv, but no cerita i decided to post here la, even i tak de cerita pun nak share..sebenarnya, clueless nad speechless..badan nak tido sebab penat tapi mata and my mind tak nak...they really cannot get along very well la..

okay, so where can we start this conversation? let see if i have plans for tomorow...of cos i do! =) kak raha is coming and promise her to meet her at kaseh..and before that, i have to singgah at kak waty's place..then i dont know what to do next...

today, i went for jogging( 2 1/2 round tau..eheh!) and my kaki is so sakit..melecet...and i rasa sebab kasot yang i wasnt my kasot sebenarnya, its belong to a'el..its just happen the kasot was available time i sanagt bersemangat nak g jogging tu...and i really need a running shoes la..bila entah nak g cari, mungkin bila dapat at the mean time, suffer la sikit guna kasot a'el tu dulu..its okay, as long as i still can run and proceed my diet..once i stop, i tak tau samada i akan dapat semangat macam ni lagi ke tak..

talking about semangat ni kan, petang tadi kak linda ada cakap yang her husband wanted to challenge me..ehehe..=p well, kita jumpa kat taman botanikal la..huhu..(jangan marah haa...) i ada jugak ajak kak linda nad kak waty join me, but they dont have time as they have to be with the kids and all..well, i do understand la tu..=) well, i guess it just me lucky for not married YET and single and i have the time...tak pe, nanti2 i pun akan berada dalam situasi itu juga...huhu

well, what else? this morning, i bangun with sakit tekak...tapi bila dah sampai kedai, terus hilang..and now, sakit tekak tersebot datang lagi, and along with batok...jangan2 nak demam//oh i dont need demam now, please some other time..=(

thats all la...


Thursday, November 6, 2008

susun air and susun biskot's day

ini, the chiller yang dah penoh diloadkan by me...semua air kotak and mineral je...phew! but, puas hati, sebab its all money...yummy...!

this is my next task..beskot dari JOO THYE LEONG..ada beskot chipsmore, danone, jacob, pon sikit je as if students nak cuti, jadi tak order banyak pon...

there are my nephew and his friends, tengah loading air kat dalam i dah tak larat, sebab dah load air kotak kat anothr chiller since this morning..penat beb, susun air..ahaha..thank you for helping cik yu eh?

okay, thats all about jellybeans...


Monday, November 3, 2008

hidup bukan rahsia

a very good book..its a motivational book...i baca ni, then i decided to do some change in life...its based on true cerita moved me from my old pegangan..sangat bagus untuk mereka yang pernah gagal, and sanggup berubah to be better...seriusly, this is the thing that makes me go and do the i dont like to be sweat, but the stories, the teladan and the question from this book change my perspective in physically, mentally and personally...thanks to abang or kak eda yang beli buku ni..sangat sesuai for me as me now at the bottom of the wheel of life...well done Zabrina A. Bakar and thank you to my love, abang and kak eda..



this is the lanskap in front of the taman...very nice with the waterfall..time abeh lari tu, rasa macam nak terjun je masuk air tu...huhu..
this is the place la...the TAMAN BOTANIKAL, AYER KEROH..sangat best! tak panas! and nyaman...

me after the run...exhausted! penat sangat..but, i sangat puas mission accomplished! so proud to be me...yey! only for 2 round, let see today i can buat berapa round eh? surprise? me too...but so exciting..hari ni nak pegi lagi, and jogging lagi...
