Friday, August 21, 2009


setulus hati dari


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

secawan kopi

Sitting in my shop for a whole day, wondering what is exactly happen to her. Dalam fikiran terfikir, is this the right thing for her to do?

Living for 26 years, taught me 1001 things about life, love, friend and etc. Not saying that i'm good enough. I have various type group of friends. From younger to older and so so macam i jugak. They made my life full with colors, macam2 ragam. Kadang2 tersenyum sendiri melihat gelagat kawan2. Manusia ni ada bermacam philisophy. Bayangkan seorang manusia = 1 philisophy. what if millions of us? They lived with their own perspective, their own ego, their own believed. The thing is, we believed what we do is right but belum tentu lagi others think its right. Samalah macam i. (chuckles..)

Ada 1 case ni, pun among my friend jugak lah. From kenal to become friends, then close friend then in 1 day, they're not. listen to both story made me stuck in the middle(which i'm really into it..). A said like this, and B said like this. Masing-masing mempertahankan diri masing2. Sampai i sendiri pening. Tak tau where to start to help them. Lastly, they end up tak bertegur. Too bad kan?

From this case, i terfikir jugak. US yang berperang tu pun macam ni lah jugak. MAsing2 tak mau mengalah. Terasa diri sendiri terlebih betul. Orang lain yang salah dalam segala hal. Tapi kan, i pun macam tu jugak. My abah always said, yang i ni tak boleh ditegur. He is so absolutely right. I am. Tapi kenapa, even dia marah i or said something that i really dont want to hear, at the end, we still come back for each other. Mencari dia bila terasa ada sesuatu yang tidak betul. Mungkin he's the father. Berbeza dengan sahabat. Mungkin juga...

Ada yang memerlukan kawan dikala memerlukan sahaja. I am too. For those yang i break their heart, i am so sorry. I'm truly sorry.....
