Saturday, November 8, 2008

sleeping or sleepy

its 1.30 in the morning...and i cant sleep, entah mengapa..huhu..and nak tengok tv, but no cerita i decided to post here la, even i tak de cerita pun nak share..sebenarnya, clueless nad speechless..badan nak tido sebab penat tapi mata and my mind tak nak...they really cannot get along very well la..

okay, so where can we start this conversation? let see if i have plans for tomorow...of cos i do! =) kak raha is coming and promise her to meet her at kaseh..and before that, i have to singgah at kak waty's place..then i dont know what to do next...

today, i went for jogging( 2 1/2 round tau..eheh!) and my kaki is so sakit..melecet...and i rasa sebab kasot yang i wasnt my kasot sebenarnya, its belong to a'el..its just happen the kasot was available time i sanagt bersemangat nak g jogging tu...and i really need a running shoes la..bila entah nak g cari, mungkin bila dapat at the mean time, suffer la sikit guna kasot a'el tu dulu..its okay, as long as i still can run and proceed my diet..once i stop, i tak tau samada i akan dapat semangat macam ni lagi ke tak..

talking about semangat ni kan, petang tadi kak linda ada cakap yang her husband wanted to challenge me..ehehe..=p well, kita jumpa kat taman botanikal la..huhu..(jangan marah haa...) i ada jugak ajak kak linda nad kak waty join me, but they dont have time as they have to be with the kids and all..well, i do understand la tu..=) well, i guess it just me lucky for not married YET and single and i have the time...tak pe, nanti2 i pun akan berada dalam situasi itu juga...huhu

well, what else? this morning, i bangun with sakit tekak...tapi bila dah sampai kedai, terus hilang..and now, sakit tekak tersebot datang lagi, and along with batok...jangan2 nak demam//oh i dont need demam now, please some other time..=(

thats all la...



bubbles said...

ala jelly.. apa yg nak kurus2 sgt?
tembam2 apple ok apa.. kalau kurus sgt, tak lawa la..
I thk u look perfectly fine now.
bak kata kak eda, "jgn jadi hamba" - in your case, hamba jogging..

Asmadiana Alias said...

kak win...huhu..after 3 months u will see the different eh? hehe...

caramel said...

Nana..lovely to finally meet u....u don't need diet..dah so so so sweet dah...ramai lah nanti teruna-teruna malaya yang akan datang berjogging lepas ni...especilally..........thanks for the chocs...that one is my favourite sejak kecil lagi.....

Asmadiana Alias said...

alaa kak, sambil jaga2 badan jugak.bukan diet pon, nak keep fir je...huhu..

yes and so do you kak..u are so funny and fun! i tot u very serious but u're not..huhu..sonok sangat dapat gelak ngan akak..macam dah kenal lama...huhu..

paCat said...

Enchek ~ marlboro 14 satooppp..!!