Friday, October 10, 2008

i'm blessed!!

good story to share and for you guys to jadikan teladan bukan ikutan...ceritanya....

on last Tuesday:7th October 2008, i came to Jellybeans with semangat yang berkobar2..together with me, i brought along keropok lekor for my friends la and it was in 2 plastic bags which big enough to fill my both hands..and after i pay the parking which is RM2 to the pak cik parking, i was happily walking to my lovely Mara building(godd, i miss Jellybenas so much!)..and there i was, from the tangga, i can see that kak Kaseh opened her shop:
"mak aii..awalnya, baru kol 8..sangat ambitious kot...."
i talked to myself ler..and as i was walking to her butik, i can se one lovely pair of shoes...
"oh my godd! please don't tell me! please, please..."
i was, pejam celik, pejam celik so that the shoes will disappear from my i'm in front of the butik,
"yes, it is my shoes! my kasot raya.."
i hope i can take the picture but apparently, i dotn have the camera..huhu..but later i'll ask kak Kaseh ye to upload the pic of the shoes..haha...and i came in to the butik,
"akak.....that is sooo my kasot raya laa...why we have the same one?"
and kak Kaseh only doing what you know? smiling....and smiling...all she tanya was,
"laa, ye ke? nana beli kat mana? Vincci JJ ke?"..
"tak, Vincci MP..nape sama kak? and what size u pakai?"
"you've got to be kidding me kak! me too..."
see, world is so small...and me with kak Kaseh have the same minat..not all la, selalunya banyak la kot yang tak sama nye.,..huhu...cuma kali ni, kebetulan..takdirNya kan? kita tak pernah tau...=)

and after having fun, gelak2 all day(got so many gelak with Intan..she 's funny..i like her..!) because we all can be together again after Ramadhan..huhu..seronok dapat berkumpul ni..macam2 cerita ada...thre was at 5pm, and kak Kaseh is going to balik with me ...and after i sut the aircond, close the cash register, and keep all the miney..i cari my car key...and i cant find it..i'm panicked! i asked kak Kaseh wether i left it in her butik but she, as fast as she can, jawab,
"tak de la na.."
then again i double panicked! mana la pulak ak letak kunci ni...carik la dalam segala drawer yang ada, semua la...and kak Kaseh i paksa dia tolong carikkan jugak...and tak jumpa! i wanted to cry...sebab macam dah hilang arah tujuan dah time tu...only god knows apa yang i rasa...after 1/2 an hour, last2 kak Kaseh cakap,
"ke Nana tertinggal dalam kereta kot.." and i was dengan yakinnye,
"tak...i remember bawak kunci tu kat tangan la kak masa nak datang kedai tadi.."
"cuba nana g tengok mana tau kan..and tengok jgak kat jalan tu, kot tercicir.."
"tercicir? cannot be!! kalau cicir mesti kereta dah tak de!" i talked to myself..and at this stage, what can i only imagine was, my abang face, his reaction, and how mad he can be..sure he will mad like crazy la..well, i lost a car..a car that he bought for me! oh goddd..........there goes me...i am so a dead meat! takot, marah, geram, nak nangis, semua all in one...its a car, C.A.R...its a car...i lost a CAR! i cant think....only "Tuhan, tolong la jangan hilangkan kereta ak.."
and as i walked to the parking park, my eyes duk ninjau2 kat dalam semua longkang2 yang ada sepanjang2 perjalanan tu...and there i was at parking..i cant see my car..because a van blocked it..and i walked slowly...
"yess!! my car is still HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" jumping? no la...huhu..
i'm not losing still here....and pergi dengan lebih dekat...yes! it didnt lock! ya Allah.....and dekat lagi, the key were there at the tempat start engine kereta tu....and me, SPEECHLESS!!!! memang tak tau nak cakap ape lagi waktu nampak kunci tu...rasa macam nak sujud syukur kat situ jugak..tapi since orang ramai duk lalu lalang, then i tak buat ler...memang super duper speechless...tak tau nak cakap ape...i'm BLESSED! by who? by ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA....
"aku syukur padaMu Tuhan....ampunkan segala dosa-dosa ku...."

i cried, menangis sebab selama ni aku lalai untuk menjadi seorang umatNya yang taat...HE giving me a second chance and this is like a wake up call for me..yes, aku sedar akan hakikat itu...insyAllah, i will and this is a must...mungkin Dia tau aku lalai, then he tested me kan? HE was with me, wacthing over me...I'M BLESSED BY HIM...and aku bersyukur....

and there was me....a story which can jadikan teladan....always remember, and double check!



Adillah A Nordin said...

Hi Diana,
God works in mysterious ways. We learn best from the mistakes we make.

Once about 4 years ago, I went to Jusco with the kids. When we came back to the car, baru perasan yang Adlan tak tutup pintu kereta. Memang terbukak. Alhamdulillah, no one took our car!


Asmadiana Alias said...

oh god..akak, tak tutup pintu? i guess, we're blessed ya? huhu..
